Yangler is an innovative, 16-week program designed to help individuals to discover strong technical insights and disruptive business models, to acquire knowledge, to develop skills that every successful entrepreneur needs, and to build a startup with a high chance of success.
Yangler is an online accelerator that democratizes a seed funding process. We let everyone enroll, learn, get mentorship and pass exams. We fund the best performers. Yes, you hear it right, we don’t care about your color, gender, education, race, the country of origin etc. We care if you’re able to sharpen and execute your idea. The sweetest part of our program that anyone can enroll and get access to Silicon Valley resources and potentially, funding. We charge little in order to stay origin with the initial idea: equal access to funding and mentorship to everyone who is willing to work hard.
Yangler is for high impact tech startups (you should use technology to scale). We don’t fund traditional businesses. Categories to explore:

Blockchain for Healthcare, Transportation
Computer security
CopyCats for emerging markets
Enterprise software
Financial services
Funding for everyone
Global health
Global infrastructure
Human augmentation
Internet infrastructure
Next 4 billion Internet users
Programming tools
Transportation & housing
VR and AR



The Yangler core program is organized into four phases: Idea, Product, Team, and Execution. Each phase lasts approximately one month. Each phase ends with an exam. When you graduate from the 16-week core program, you can stay connected to the platform and continue building a startup over your three-to-four-year Sustain phase. Sustain keeps you connected to all the tools and resources of Yangler along with shorter weekly lessons and a large community of Yangler alumni.
You will bring your cofounders onto the platform. Your team will be given lectures and sprint sessions each week. Your goal isn’t to do it ASAP, but to do it as the best you can—speed will come later. The program will be structured around your domain.
Mentors are available by phone, text, and private messaging on the Yangler site. Your mentor is present to guide and support you throughout the program, so how you communicate depends on your and mentor’s needs and preferences. You will be given a choice of mentors that can help your startup at the end of the first session (i.e., after four weeks). You send a short explanation to a mentor, describing why you want him to mentor you, and the mentor can approve or reject. Each startup will have at least one mentor. Usually, a mentor spends one to two hours per week working with a startup.
We believe that everyone can achieve anything if he or she does not give up. We are here to learn and to become better at each new step. You can fail many times, but continue and you will finally nail it. We encourage perseverance. However, remember that you should have an open mind in order to succeed.
Yes, you can see your score and suggestions how to improve it any time .
You can suspend for 1 time with maximum duration of 12 months. You can unsubscribe anytime you want.
We think that the following exams will be the most difficult and require a dedication and a hard work:
Discover technical insights (Online exam, session 1)
Pitch during the events (Offline exam, session 2)
Sell to potential customers (Offline exam, session 1–2)
Find co-investors (Offline exam, session 3–4)
Kill bad ideas (Online exam, session 1)

Participation in Yangler requires at least 16 weeks of dedicated involvement, followed by a few years of involvement at your own pace. This can take 20 hours per week on average, although it can take longer—the time it takes to build a great startup is difficult to measure. Fortunately, the online format means the time you spend can easily adapt to your schedule. The two to three years following the 16-week core phase is called the Sustain phase. During this time, participants stay in contact with their small group of advisers and mentors and meet a larger network of Yangler alumni. They complete monthly lessons and choose their course of action more independently. The time commitment during the Sustain phase is somewhat decreased and is determined more independently.
No, we won’t sign an NDA—no venture firm would at this stage. The informal commitment to secrecy on our application form is more than any VC would make. Here is a great article article about the value of ideas.
You will have to attend and pitch at at least two start-up events we partner with. The points you get from the judges we then convert into % and add to your current score. If at the beginning you don’t perform well enough, you always have more chances to pass the exam by showing up and presenting.  
You will have to find an investor who is ready to commit at least $15k. It can not be your own money. The investor can be an angel investor or an institution with a public track record of investing in start-ups. We help you to find them and pitch, and we make introductions. And sometimes, as an exception, we fund start-ups that weren’t able to find angel investment.