Yangler is an innovative, 16-week program designed to help individuals to discover strong technical insights and disruptive business models, to acquire knowledge, to develop skills that every successful entrepreneur needs, and to build a startup with a high chance of success.
Yangler is an online accelerator that democratizes a seed funding process. We let everyone enroll, learn, get mentorship and pass exams. We fund the best performers. Yes, you hear it right, we don’t care about your color, gender, education, race, the country of origin etc. We care if you’re able to sharpen and execute your idea. The sweetest part of our program that anyone can enroll and get access to Silicon Valley resources and potentially, funding. We charge little in order to stay origin with the initial idea: equal access to funding and mentorship to everyone who is willing to work hard.
Yangler is for high impact tech startups (you should use technology to scale). We don’t fund traditional businesses. Categories to explore:
Blockchain for Healthcare, Transportation
Computer security
CopyCats for emerging markets
Enterprise software
Financial services
Funding for everyone
Global health
Global infrastructure
Human augmentation
Internet infrastructure
Next 4 billion Internet users
Programming tools
Transportation & housing
VR and AR
The Yangler core program is organized into four phases: Idea, Product, Team, and Execution. Each phase lasts approximately one month. Each phase ends with an exam. When you graduate from the 16-week core program, you can stay connected to the platform and continue building a startup over your three-to-four-year Sustain phase. Sustain keeps you connected to all the tools and resources of Yangler along with shorter weekly lessons and a large community of Yangler alumni.
We think that the following exams will be the most difficult and require a dedication and a hard work:
Discover technical insights (Online exam, session 1)
Pitch during the events (Offline exam, session 2)
Sell to potential customers (Offline exam, session 1–2)
Find co-investors (Offline exam, session 3–4)
Kill bad ideas (Online exam, session 1)
Discover technical insights (Online exam, session 1)
Pitch during the events (Offline exam, session 2)
Sell to potential customers (Offline exam, session 1–2)
Find co-investors (Offline exam, session 3–4)
Kill bad ideas (Online exam, session 1)